新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《高殿战记》「德鲁伊」艾达角色玩法介绍


Introduction to the play of ADA's role in "druid" in "battle of the high Palace"

2021-03-11 11:33:00来源: 游戏时光

Steam 特别好评 Rougelike 战棋卡牌游戏《高殿战记》已于近期推出“无尽国度”重大进度更新,并加入了全新英雄“男巫库铎”,随着游戏内容的丰富,官方今日公开了抢先体验版本中自带的“德鲁伊”英雄艾达的职业搭配和玩法介绍。 艾达是一名荒野之子,她和英勇的动物同伴一起,凭借自己所持自然之力,竭力捍卫着森林家园免遭肆虐大地的邪魔侵害。在《高殿战记》中每位英雄都有多种养成方式,会导向不同的玩法流派,且每个流派都有其 20~30 种独特技能可供选择。由于艾达初始血量很低,因此她需要靠机动性以及她召唤的野生动物同伴作为坦克抗下伤害来弥补,因此她有着变身后爆炸输出的“本能”、精通自然元素技能的“元素”、召唤友好野生动物进攻的“动物亲缘”等等流派可供选择。 卡组流派搭配建议:

Steam highly praised the rougelike card game Gaodian Zhanji, which has recently launched a major progress update of "endless country" and added the new hero "wizard kuduo". With the rich content of the game, the official today announced the occupation collocation and playing method of IDA, the hero of "druid" in the preemptive experience version. &ADA is a child of the wilderness. Together with her brave animal companions, she tries her best to defend the forest homeland from the evil spirits that ravage the earth by virtue of her own natural power. In the battle of Gaodian, each hero has a variety of ways to develop, and will lead to different schools of play, and each school has its own 20 ~ 30 kinds of unique skills to choose from. Because IDA's initial health is very low, she needs to rely on mobility and her wild animal companions as tank resistance damage to make up for it. Therefore, she has the "instinct" of explosive output after transformation, the "element" proficient in natural element skills, and the "animal kinship" of calling friendly wild animals to attack. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; suggestions on the collocation of card group styles: