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Japan game week sales 2021.3.1-3.7 Super Mario 3D world returns to top

2021-03-12 10:26:04来源: 游戏时光

由 Fami 通统计的日本地区新一周(2021.3.1~3.7)游戏销量现已公布,上上周被新作挤下去的《超级马力欧3D世界 + 狂怒世界》于这周又再次回归榜首,卖出 5.4 万份。 上上周第一的《牧场物语 橄榄镇与希望的大地》则下滑到销量榜第二,销量3.4 万份。《桃太郎电铁 昭和平成令和全都来!》这周仍稳稳地占据第三的名次,卖出 3.2 万份,截止统计时间本作日本实体销量已正式突破 200 万份!上上周拿下第二的《勇气默示录2》这周来到了第五位,不过销量仍有 2.0 万份。 2021.3.1~3.7 日本游戏销量排行榜: 硬件销量方面,本周 Switch 家族主机销量有小幅提升,Switch 和 Switch Lite 分别卖出 5.7 万和

According to the statistics of famitong, the sales volume of games in Japan in the new week (2021.3.1-3.7) has been announced. The Super Mario 3D world + fury world, which was pushed down by the new work last week, returned to the top again this week, selling 54000 copies. &Last week's No.1 "the story of the farm olive town and the land of hope" fell to No.2 with 34000 copies. Taotaro diantiezhao peace order and all come! 》This week, it still took the third place steadily, with 32000 copies sold. By the end of the statistical time, the sales volume of the Japanese entity has officially exceeded 2 million copies! "Courage 2", which finished second last week, came fifth this week, though it still sold 20000 copies. &Japan's game sales from March 1, 2021 to March 7: in terms of hardware sales, the switch family's console sales increased slightly this week, with 57000 for switch and 57000 for switch Lite