新关注 > 信息聚合 > 招聘信息显示,暴雪正在做一款未公开在线多人3A新作


Recruitment information shows that Blizzard is making an undisclosed online multiplayer 3A new work

2021-03-12 13:53:29来源: 游戏时光

暴雪此前曾表示“正在开发新作”,目前看来他们确实在做了。根据暴雪官网最新发布的招聘启事,他们似乎正在制作一款未公开的 3A 多人游戏,关键词有“第一人称射击”“次世代画面”和“独特又创新的艺术风格”。暴雪高级设计师 Dan John Cox 也在社交媒体介绍,暴雪希望填补 16 个职位的空缺,为这个未公开的项目提供开发上的助力。总的来说,这表明有一个新的小型团队在制作一款野心勃勃的新作。Dan John Cox 在推特上也表达了广招人才的意愿:我们正在为一个非常非常酷的未公开项目招募大批人才,有很多不错的关卡设计岗位虚位以待!!这是我从业以来遇见的最好的项目和团队,发私信或邮件联系我,你就能获得招聘岗位的相关信息。此外,我们可以从暴雪发布的其他招聘启事中一窥这个未公开项目可能的样貌:他们希望高级 3D 环境设计

Blizzard has previously said that it is "developing new works", and now it seems that they are indeed doing it. According to the latest recruitment notice on Blizzard's official website, they seem to be making an undisclosed 3A multiplayer game with the keywords of "first person shooting", "next generation picture" and "unique and innovative artistic style". Blizzard senior designer Dan John Cox also introduced on social media that Blizzard hopes to fill 16 vacancies and provide development assistance for this undisclosed project. Overall, it shows that there is a new small team working on an ambitious new work. Dan John Cox also expressed his intention to recruit talents on Twitter: we are recruiting a large number of talents for a very cool undisclosed project, and there are many good level design Posts waiting for us!! This is the best project and team I have ever met in my career. If you contact me by private letter or email, you can get the relevant information about the job. In addition, we can see what this undisclosed project might look like from Blizzard's other recruitment Announcements: they want advanced 3D environment design

标签: 暴雪