新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《归家异途2》新版本3月下旬更新 职业、支线多内容追加

《归家异途2》新版本3月下旬更新 职业、支线多内容追加

New version of homecoming 2 updated in late March

2021-03-12 16:41:46来源: 游戏时光

TPP 工作室宣布,反战题材游戏《归家异途2》将于 3 月下旬上线新版本,带来新的职业、支线以及技能等内容。已拥有本作的玩家可以于 3 月 18 日提前参加「先锋测试」。参与「先锋测试」的方法: 在 3 月 18 日选择公开测试分支即可参与测试。新支线:寻找安全局的失踪特工“国王”代号“国王”的特工是与主角“王子”一同被派遣至斯卡利亚西部的成员中,最富经验的成员。玩家将可以通过种种线索,寻找他的踪迹,并且揭露他身上不为人知的幕后故事。通关该支线任务可以获取特殊武器,特殊护甲,并且解锁新的 BOSS 职业。新职业:四个新职业 新 BOSS 职业:这位全新角色是霸主安全局的特殊作战单位,层层选拔,只用于执行最危险的任务。3 个雏菊派系职业雏菊是当下最热门的违禁军火走私组织之一。趁着内战制造的混乱,他们在斯

TPP studio announced that a new version of the anti war theme game "homecoming 2" will be launched in late March, bringing new occupation, branch line and skills. Players who already own the game can participate in the pioneer test in advance on March 18. How to participate in the "pioneer test": select the public test branch on March 18 to participate in the test. New branch line: looking for the missing agent "King" of the security agency. The agent code named "King" is the most experienced member of the members who were sent to the west of Scalia together with the protagonist "Prince". Players will be able to find his trace through a variety of clues, and reveal his unknown behind the scenes story. Through this branch mission, you can obtain special weapons, special armor, and unlock a new boss class. New occupation: four new occupations & nbsp; new boss Occupation: this new role is a special combat unit of the hegemonic Security Bureau, which is selected at all levels and is only used to perform the most dangerous tasks. Three Daisy factions professional Daisy is one of the most popular illegal arms smuggling organizations. Taking advantage of the chaos created by the civil war, they are here