新关注 > 信息聚合 > EA确认销售FUT球员卡为内部员工所为,将严惩违规员工


EA confirmed that the sale of fut player cards was done by internal staff, and will severely punish those who violate the rules

2021-03-14 10:19:47来源: 游戏时光

EA 员工涉嫌销售 FIFA 21 Ultimate Team 球员卡的丑闻曝光后,EA 迅速发布了声明,称正在调查此事。近日,EA 更新了一份最新进展,承认确实是内部员工所为。在一份冗长的声明中,EA 承认:“有一个或多个 EA 账户,被 EA 内部员工泄露或不当使用,直接向个人账户添加了不是通过游戏行为获得的物品。”同时 EA 还表示,这种行为是“不可接受的”,这个问题确实发生在发行商内部,它对此感到“愤怒”,并理解玩家是多么“恼火和沮丧”。之后将对“任何被发现参与这一活动的员工”采取措施。该公司表示,任何以此方式添加的物品都将被删除,任何已知通过这些手段获得物品的玩家都将被封禁。EA 还补充道,初步调查显示,只有“极少数的账户和物品”和本次事件有关。虽然数量不多,但仍是不可接受的,EA 对整个玩家社群表示

After the scandal over the sale of FIFA 21 ultimate team player cards by EA staff came to light, EA quickly issued a statement saying it was investigating the matter. Recently, EA has updated its latest development, admitting that it is indeed the internal staff. In a lengthy statement, EA acknowledged that "one or more ea accounts have been leaked or improperly used by EA internal staff, directly adding items not obtained through game behavior to individual accounts." At the same time, EA also said that this kind of behavior is "unacceptable" and that the problem does occur within the publisher. It is "angry" about this and understands how "angry and frustrated" the players are. Measures will then be taken against "any employee found to be involved in the activity.". Any items added in this way will be removed, and any player known to have acquired items through these means will be banned, the company said. EA added that preliminary investigations revealed that only "a very small number of accounts and items" were related to the incident. Although the number is small, it is still unacceptable. EA expresses its concern to the whole player community