新关注 > 信息聚合 > 感受到《节奏医生》送来的治愈节拍了么?


Do you feel the healing beat from doctor rhythm?

2021-03-14 15:56:13来源: 游戏时光

每当任天堂直面会即将到来时,我总“妄想”任天堂会在结尾惊喜公布《节奏天国》的新作:肌肉摔跤猛男接受采访的时候,一旁的女记者突然面向镜头说“我们要出新作啦”之类猝不及防的官宣。可惜自 3DS《节奏天国 The Best+》在 2015 年发售之后,任天堂没有任何让节拍继续打下去的迹象。好在,我找到了暂时的替代品《节奏医生》。《节奏医生》其实是一款在将近十年前就已经公布的游戏,最早曾在网上放出过试玩版,收到的积极反馈远超开发者的想象,后来游戏在 2014 年获得了独立游戏界(IGF)的奖项提名,后续还在 Steam 平台提供过试玩版,直到上个月月末正式推出 EA 版。游戏的系统很简单,玩家在固定的拍子按空格键(也可以鼠标点击)就算成功打上节拍。为了让玩家可以更直观看到拍子的递进,屏幕中间会有一条节拍线,从左边(偶尔

Whenever Nintendo faces up to the upcoming meeting, I always "paranoia" that Nintendo will surprise and announce the new work of "rhythm heaven": muscle wrestling man is interviewed, the female reporter on the side suddenly faces the camera and says "we're going to make a new work" and other unexpected official announcements. Unfortunately, since the release of the best + in 2015, Nintendo has shown no sign of letting the beat continue. Fortunately, I found a temporary substitute for doctor rhythm. In fact, rhythm doctor is a game that has been published nearly ten years ago. It first released a trial version on the Internet, and received much more positive feedback than the developers imagined. Later, the game won the award nomination of independent game industry (IGF) in 2014, and later provided a trial version on steam platform. Until the end of last month, the EA version was officially launched. The system of the game is very simple, players in a fixed time by the space bar (can also click the mouse) even if the successful beat. In order to make players more intuitive to see the progressive beat, there will be a beat line in the middle of the screen, from the left (occasionally)