新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英国游戏周销量:《超级马力欧3D世界+狂怒世界》四连冠


UK game week sales: Super Mario 3D world + rage world

2021-03-08 09:06:34来源: 游戏时光

最新一期的英国游戏周销量公布了,任天堂于 2 月 12 日发售的“马力欧”系列加量移植作品《超级马力欧3D世界+狂怒世界》已连续四周夺得英国实体销量冠军,销量下滑仅 18%。 随着即将到来的 3 月 10 日“马力欧日”(Mar.10),任天堂开始对旗下“马力欧”系列开启折扣促销活动,《马力欧赛车8 豪华版》排名升至第四,销量上涨 7%;《超级马力欧 3D收藏辑》升至第六,销量上涨 36%;《新超级马力欧 奥德赛》升至第 13 位,销量上涨 5%,就连最近和“马力欧”系列进行联动的《集合啦!动物森友会》销量也涨了 40%,排名回升至第三。新作方面,上周《如龙7 光与暗的去向》PS5 版本正式发售,使得本作重回英国周销量前四十,拿下了第 35 位。上上周英国市场的 PS5 库存补货效应仍没结

The latest issue of UK game week sales announced that Nintendo's "Super Mario 3D world + fury world", which was released on February 12, has won the UK entity sales champion for four consecutive weeks, with sales declining only 18%.    With the coming Mar.10, Nintendo began to launch discount promotion activities for its "Mario" series. The ranking of Mario racing 8 luxury edition rose to the fourth place, with sales volume up 7%; Super Mario 3D collection rose to the sixth place, with sales volume up 36%; New Super Mario Odyssey rose to the 13th place, with sales volume up 7% 5%, even the recent "collection" which is linked with the "Mario" series! Sales of Animal Crossing club also rose 40%, ranking back to third. As for the new work, the ps5 version of "where the light and dark are going" was officially released last week, making the work return to the top 40 in the UK and take the 35th place. The replenishment effect of ps5 inventory in the UK market last week is still not over

标签: 游戏