新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「蚁人」联动套装现已加入《堡垒之夜》


"Ant man" package has been added to "Fortress night"

2021-03-07 16:22:46来源: 游戏时光

Epic 宣布,《堡垒之夜》的新一个联动角色是漫威知名英雄「蚁人」,与蚁人一同加入的还有其专属的牙签镐和蚂蚁降落伞。Epic 宣布蚁人加入游戏的形式很有趣,先是陆续在社交平台放出三张已经加入到《堡垒之夜》的漫威英雄的设定图,细心的玩家可能就发现了每张图上都有个小小的蚁人,最后官方正式公布玩家现在已经可以在游戏内商店购买角色套装了。最近《堡垒之夜》推出联动角色的节奏越来越快了,下一位会是谁呢?

Epic announced that a new role in Fortress night will be Marvel's famous hero ant man, along with his exclusive toothpick pick and ant parachute. Epic's announcement of ant man's participation in the game is very interesting. First, it released three pictures of Marvel hero that have been added to fortress night on the social platform. Careful players may find that there is a small ant man on each picture. Finally, it was officially announced that players can now buy character suits in the in-game store. Recently, "Fortress night" launched the rhythm of the role of linkage is faster and faster, who will be next?