新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂:Switch的生命周期已经进入“中期”


Nintendo: switch's life cycle has entered the "middle stage"

2021-03-06 10:14:18来源: 游戏时光

近日,任天堂总裁古川俊太郎在接受日经采访时,谈到了 Switch 的生命周期问题。他表示目前 Switch 已经进入了生命周期的“中期”阶段,在保证主机能不断为玩家带来新鲜乐趣的同时,他们会适当延长主机的寿命。在本次采访中,日经新闻的记者并没有询问关于新主机的问题,取而代之的是谈到了本世代主机的现存时间的可能性,古川对此进行解答:关于 Switch 的寿命,我经常说它已经进入了中期。不过因为它既可以作为传统家用机使用,也可以作为便携式游戏机使用,所以才有更多的可能性,我们也会继续延长它的生命周期。当古川被问到任天堂软硬件部门之间是如何沟通时,他做出了如下回答。我们一直都没有停止硬件方面的开发工作。硬件和软件开发团队就在同一栋楼里,并且在密切沟通。因此他们总能提出新的想法和建议。你必须做出各种各样的准备来为一个新

Recently, Nintendo president Toshiro Guchuan talked about the life cycle of switch in an interview with Nikkei. He said that at present, switch has entered the "middle" stage of its life cycle. While ensuring that the host can continuously bring fresh fun to players, they will appropriately extend the life of the host. In this interview, the reporter of Nikkei news did not ask about the new host. Instead, he talked about the possibility of the existing time of this generation of host. Guchuan answered this question: as for the life of switch, I often say that it has entered the mid-term. However, because it can be used as both a traditional home computer and a portable game machine, there are more possibilities, and we will continue to extend its life cycle. When asked how Nintendo's hardware and software departments communicate with each other, Guchuan gave the following answer. We haven't stopped developing hardware. The hardware and software development teams are in the same building and in close communication. So they can always come up with new ideas and suggestions. You have to make all kinds of preparations for a new life

标签: 任天堂 Switch