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Circulation brave: playing until dawn

2021-03-05 18:55:34来源: 触乐

差不多是在2020年的TGA那会儿,知名的独立游戏发行商Devolver Digital也自己也搞了个“奖中奖”。他们在播片中搭了个舞台,由女演员Mahria Zook扮演的“Devolver CEO Nina Struthers”作为主持人,宣布了本社的奖项“Devolver Digital 2021年最佳游戏奖”。包括《奥利亚》(Olija)在内的5款由D社发行的游戏作为提名,最终没在提名名单里出现的《循环勇者》(Loop Hero)却摘得桂冠——当然,这都是假的,D社不是第一次整这种花活了,早在2017年的E3展上,他们就准备了类似的讽刺发布会,并且一搞就是连着3年。女演员Mahria Zook还因为时常扮演C

Almost at TGA in 2020, devolver digital, a well-known independent game publisher, also set up a & amp; quot; winner & amp; quot;. They set up a stage in the broadcast, with actress mahria Zook's & amp; quot; devolver CEO Nina struts & amp; quot; as the host, announcing our Award & amp; quot; devolver digital 2021 best game & amp; quot;. Five games released by D society, including "olija", were nominated, but "loop hero", which didn't appear in the nomination list, won the crown & amp; mdash; & amp; mdash; Of course, it's all fake. It's not the first time that club D has done this kind of work. As early as the E3 exhibition in 2017, they prepared a similar satirical press conference, which lasted for three years. Actress mahria Zook also plays C