新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「海王星」和「闪乱神乐」跨界联动新作2021年内登陆PS4


"Neptune" and "Twinkle" cross border linkage new work landing in PS4 in 2021

2021-03-07 18:30:16来源: 游戏时光

《Fami 通》和《电击 Magazine》联合举办的游戏情报直播活动 GAME LIVE JAPAN 已于近日开幕,活动上地雷社 Compile Heart 官方宣布旗下“战机少女海王星”系列将与 Marvelous 旗下动作游戏系列“闪乱神乐”进行合作,标题为《闪乱忍忍忍者大战 海王星 少女们的响艳》,预计将于 2021 年内登陆 PS4 平台。 视频地址这款《闪乱忍忍忍者大战 海王星 少女们的响艳》实际上就是地雷社于 3 月 4 日上线的神秘倒计时网站预告的那款作品,也就是两年前公开的那款新作《幻影梦e忍者海王星》,负责“海王星”系列的つなこ老师和“闪乱神乐”系列的八重樫南老师将同时担任本作画师,制作公司也交给了两个系列均有涉足过的 TAMSOFT 负责,不管是 2D 立绘还是 3

Game live Japan, a live broadcast of game intelligence jointly organized by "famiton" and "electric shock magazine", has recently opened. At the event, mine news agency compile heart officially announced that its "fighter girl Neptune" series will cooperate with marvelous's action game series "Shenle" under the title of "Ninja vs Neptune" It's expected that "Xiangyan of girls" will be launched on PS4 platform in 2021.    Video address: this "Ninja vs. Neptune girls" is actually mine society's video address on March 4 The new work "Mirage dream e Ninja Neptune" announced by the mysterious countdown website on the Internet two years ago, will be the painter of this work. The production company has also been assigned to tamsoft, who has been involved in both series, no matter 2D Vertical drawing or 3

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