新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英国政府对苹果“是否违反竞争法”展开调查


The British government launched an investigation into Apple's "violation of competition law"

2021-03-06 14:14:54来源: 游戏时光

英国政府宣布,公平竞争与市场管理局(CMA:Competition and Markets Authority)将对苹果应用商店 AppStore 展开调查,因为这家公司有可能违反了竞争法。CMA 的调查,将聚焦该公司是否在苹果相关设备上的应用分销方面占据主导地位。若如此,则进一步研究苹果是否会对使用 AppStore 的开发者施加不公平或反竞争条款,最终导致用户的选择减少,或者得为应用程序和附加程序支付更多费用。调查虽然主要在英国展开,但矛头却是整个苹果集团。我们不难将其与 Epic 和苹果之间的矛盾联系起来。2021 年 1 月,Epic 向英国竞争上诉法庭(Competition Appeal Tribunal)提起诉讼,同时也在其它欧洲国家和美国也采取了类似行动。声明称调查才刚刚开始,苹果是否违法还未判

The British government announced that the competition and Markets Authority will investigate Apple's app store because the company may have violated the competition law. CMA's survey will focus on whether the company dominates app distribution on Apple related devices. If so, we will further study whether Apple will impose unfair or anti competitive terms on developers who use the app store, eventually leading to less choices for users, or having to pay more for applications and add-on programs. Although the investigation was mainly conducted in the UK, it was aimed at the entire apple group. It's not hard to connect it with the contradiction between epic and apple. In January 2021, epic filed a lawsuit with the competition appeal tribunal of the United Kingdom, and also took similar actions in other European countries and the United States. The statement said that the investigation has just begun and whether Apple is illegal has not been decided

标签: 苹果