新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》新斗士「光/焰」3月5日上线

《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》新斗士「光/焰」3月5日上线

"Nintendo star fight special" new fighter "light / flame" launched on March 5

2021-03-04 22:42:17来源: 游戏时光

刚刚播出的《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》特别节目上,樱井政博公开了即将加入的新斗士「光/焰」的详细情报,并宣布新斗士将于 3 月 5 日正式上线,已被包含在含税售价 3300 日元的斗士季票第 2 弹中,单独购买含税售价为 662 日元。以下是全程视频:视频地址跟以往介绍新斗士的特别节目一样,樱井政博亲自上阵,详细讲解「光/焰」的各种招式、形态切换的不同应用。光形态比较注重速度,拥有类似贝优妮塔的闪避能力,而焰形态则更重视力量,攻击蓄力到最大程度时甚至可能将累积伤害 20% 的对手直接击飞。此外,两个形态切换时有短暂的无敌时间,可以用来躲对手的攻击。必杀技方面,光和焰使出必杀技时都会召唤出莱克斯进行双打,光的必杀技更重视伤害,焰的必杀技更重视击飞。与新斗士「光/焰」一同登场的,还有专属的对战地图,地图上会有来自《

On the special program "Nintendo stars fight in chaos special edition" just broadcasted, Sakurai made public the detailed information of the new fighter "light / flame" that he was about to join, and announced that the new fighter will be officially launched on March 5, which has been included in the second round of Fighter Season Ticket with tax price of 3300 yen, and the price of which is 662 yen. Here's the video: video address: just like the previous special programs about new fighters, Sakurai ZHENGBO personally went to the stage to explain in detail the various moves of "light / flame" and the different applications of shape switching. Light form pays more attention to speed and has the Dodge ability similar to beyoneta, while flame form pays more attention to power. When the attack accumulates power to the maximum extent, it may even directly fly the opponent who has accumulated 20% damage. In addition, there is a short invincible time when the two forms switch, which can be used to avoid the attack of the opponent. In the aspect of kill skills, light and flame will call Lex to play doubles when they use kill skills. Light's kill skills pay more attention to damage, while flame's kill skills pay more attention to fly. Along with the new fighter "light / flame", there is also an exclusive battle map. On the map, there will be《

标签: 任天堂