新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「电脑战机」系列创始人亙重郎已从世嘉离职


Geng chonglang, founder of the computer fighter series, has left Sega

2021-03-01 11:22:23来源: 游戏时光

世嘉旗下机甲题材格斗动作游戏系列“电脑战记 Virtual-On”自 2019 年在 PS4 平台推出《电脑战机1995-2001 收藏辑》以来便再无新作消息,今日系列创始人亙重郎(Dr.Wotari)在推特上宣布他已于 2 月 28 日从世嘉离职,目前尚未决定下一份工作去向。 亙重郎制作人 《电脑战记 Virtual-On》最早原为 1995 年在街机平台推出的机甲动作游戏,在当时采用了极为独特的双摇杆操作模式,游戏玩起来像是含有射击要素的格斗游戏,在当时收获了一批忠实粉丝,并在其后的 20 多年时间不断有新作推出,此前还曾和镰池和马所著的人气轻小说跨界合作,并于 2018 年发售了《魔法电脑战机》这款游戏,使得更多小说读者也逐渐了解到了这款机甲游戏的

Sega's mecha themed fighting action game series "virtual on" has no new work news since it launched "1995-2001 collection of computer fighters" on PS4 platform in 2019. Gen chonglang, the founder of today's series, is the founder of Sega( Dr.Wotari )He announced on twitter that he had left Sega on February 28 and has not yet decided on his next job. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; genchonglang producer & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Virtual on was originally launched on the arcade platform in 1995. At that time, it adopted the extremely unique double rocker operation mode. The game was like a fighting game with shooting elements. At that time, it gained a number of loyal fans and won the second 20 years New works have been coming out for many years. Before that, he had a cross-border cooperation with the popular light novels written by kamakchi and Ma, and released the game "magic computer fighter" in 2018, which made more novel readers gradually understand the meaning of the game