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I visited Google cemetery and found these interesting projects

2021-02-27 07:57:16来源: 游戏时光

谷歌爱砍项目大家都知道,这没什么好说的,但你听说过谷歌坟场嘛?这个“谷歌坟场”名字叫“Killde by Google”,是一个专门记录被谷歌砍掉项目的网站。而且有意思的是,这个网站并不是谷歌自己建的,而是网友自发建立的。现在这个网站已经记录了 225 个项目,我翻遍了所有项目,在里面找到了这些有趣的玩意。奇思妙想类Loon项目发起日:2013 年6 月项目结束日:2021 年 1 月 22 日存活时间:超过 6 年目的:解决偏远地区网络连接问题Loon 是由谷歌 X 实验室发起的研究项目,能够向农村和偏远地区等没有基站的地方提供互联网服务。谷歌会将多个高空超压气球升至海拔 20KM 高的平流层组成空中无线网络,气球覆盖区域的用户可以使用移动设备或安装在他们建筑物外的一种特殊的天线连接到气球网络。信号在气球之间

As we all know, there's nothing to say, but have you ever heard of Google cemetery? The "Google cemetery" is called "killde by Google", a website dedicated to recording projects cut down by Google. And interestingly, this website was not built by Google itself, but by netizens themselves. Now this website has recorded 225 projects. I've looked through all the projects and found these interesting things in it. Launch date: June 2013 project end date: January 22, 2021 survival time: more than 6 years Objective: to solve the problem of network connection in remote areas Loon is a research project initiated by Google x lab, which can provide Internet services to rural and remote areas without base stations. Google will raise a number of high-altitude overpressured balloons to the stratosphere at an altitude of 20km to form an air wireless network. Users in the balloon coverage area can use mobile devices or a special antenna installed outside their buildings to connect to the balloon network. The signal is between the balloons

标签: 谷歌