新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌或已取消一系列Stadia第三方独占作品,包括小岛秀夫新作


Google may have canceled a series of third-party exclusive works of stadia, including the new work of Hideo Oshima

2021-02-28 12:00:50来源: 游戏时光

据外国媒体 VGC 的报道,谷歌不仅仅是砍掉了 Stadia 的第一方工作室,他们的消息源透露,谷歌还取消或放弃了一系列第三方独占作品的企划,包括小岛工作室和铃木裕的新作。消息源表示,小岛工作室的作品是一款章节式的恐怖游戏,他们对于为云游戏带来变革非常热情,但它最终在去年被 Stadia 的总经理菲尔·哈里森给否决了。小岛秀夫去年在采访中称有一个大企划进展不是很顺利,很有可能指的就是这款游戏。小岛工作室对此没有做出评论。去年 7 月时,Harmonix 曾宣布与 Stadia 合作,为其开发原创新作。有项目知情者表示游戏已经实际上完成了,但在本月宣布谷歌放弃第一方游戏之前就在音乐的授权问题上陷入了困境。Harmonix 的首席执行官 Steve Janiak 否认了游戏已被取消,并表示如果游戏没办法在 Stad

According to foreign media VGC, Google has not only cut down stadia's first-party studio, but also cancelled or abandoned a series of third-party exclusive projects, including the new works of Shimao studio and Suzuki Yu, according to their sources. According to the source, Isle studio's work is a chapter style horror game. They are very enthusiastic about bringing changes to cloud games, but it was finally rejected by Phil Harrison, general manager of stadia, last year. In an interview last year, shoo Kojima said that there was a big project that was not going very well. It was probably this game that he was referring to. Kojima studio did not comment. In July last year, Harmonix announced a partnership with stadia to develop new original works for it. People familiar with the project said that the game was actually completed, but before Google announced this month that it would give up the first party game, it was in trouble about the licensing of music. Steve Janiak, chief executive of Harmonix, denied that the game had been cancelled and said that if the game could not be played in stad

标签: 谷歌