新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《铁甲飞龙2 重制版》预计于2021年发售

《铁甲飞龙2 重制版》预计于2021年发售

"Tiejia Feilong 2 remaking" is expected to go on sale in 2021

2021-02-27 12:22:38来源: 游戏时光

世嘉经典射击作品的重制版游戏《铁甲飞龙 重制版》已经于 2020 年登陆各个平台。既然初代重制已经发售,那么在 2018 年和初代重制一同公布的二代重制版自然也提上了日程。根据游戏官推在回答玩家提问时的回复,《铁甲飞龙2:ZWEI 重制版》预计会在 2021 年内发售。《铁甲飞龙》系列是世嘉在上世纪 90 年代推出的轨道射击游戏系列,二代最初于 1996 年登陆世嘉土星,从故事上来说其实是初代的前传作品。

The Remaking game of Sega's classic shooting works, ironclad dragon remaking, has been launched on various platforms in 2020. Now that the first generation remake has been put on sale, the second generation remake announced together with the first generation Remake in 2018 is also on the agenda. According to the reply of the game official tweet in answering players' questions, "armored dragon 2: Zwei remaking" is expected to go on sale in 2021. Iron dragon series is a series of orbital Shooting Games launched by Sega in the 1990s. The second generation first landed on Sega Saturn in 1996, which is actually the prequel of the first generation.