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Science fiction concept guide to project Dyson Part 3

2021-02-26 15:24:33来源: 游戏时光

之前因为写到累了所以还剩下一些作为第三部分,还没看前面两部分的玩家可以点击第一部分、第二部分。我的水平也不怎么样,内容很大一部分是看着资料写的,存在错误请及时指出。磁单极子 在《戴森球计划》的游戏中后期,玩家可以在中子星或者黑洞的星系中发现一种叫做“单极磁石”的矿物。这种矿物的视觉效果很奇怪,你可以看到有一些黑色的碎片悬浮在中间的矿柱旁边。它可以用于生产后期材料粒子容器,大幅简化生产工序,但通常储量极其稀少。 现实中是否也存在类似的东西呢?这一问题的答案有点模糊。图1 人工磁单极子? 磁铁,在生活中并不罕见。我们经常会用到磁力扣在白板上固定文件,还有用

&Because I am tired of writing before, there are still some parts left as the third part. Players who haven't seen the first two parts can click the first part and the second part. My level is not so good, a large part of the content is written by looking at the data, there are errors, please point out in time. Monopole & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; in the middle and later stages of project Dyson, players can find a mineral called monopole magnet in the galaxy of neutron star or black hole. The visual effect of this mineral is very strange, you can see some black fragments suspended in the middle of the pillar. It can be used in the production of late material particle containers, greatly simplifying the production process, but usually the reserves are extremely scarce. &Is there something similar in reality? The answer to this question is a bit vague. Figure 1 artificial magnetic monopole? &Magnets are not uncommon in life. We often use magnetic buttons to fix files on the whiteboard. It's also useful