新关注 > 信息聚合 > 公主殿下也要动画化,「初音未来」原创动画制作中


Her royal highness also needs to be animated.

2021-02-26 11:40:13来源: 游戏时光

Deadline报道,Crypton Future Media、 Graphic India 和 Carlin West Agency 将共同推出原创「初音未来」动画,并推出一系列原创「初音未来」网络漫画和杂志漫画。 Crypton Future Media 海外授权负责人 Guillaume Devigne 表示,有信心能够找到一种独特的方式创造一部能够展现初音魅力的原创动画, 她是歌迷创造力的完美载体,也代表了艺术表达的无限可能。Sharad Devarajan 和 Carlin West 将担当首席制作人,报道表示公司目前已经在制作一个现代的故事,其中初音未来会有令人兴奋的新造型,剧本将会在粉丝及更多观众间引起共鸣。来源:Deadline

Deadline reports that CRYPTON future media, graphic India and Carlin West agency will jointly launch the original "chuyin future" animation, as well as a series of original "chuyin future" online comics and magazine comics. &Guillaume devigne, head of overseas licensing for & nbsp; CRYPTON future media, said he was confident that he could find a unique way to create an original animation that could show the charm of the first sound,