新关注 > 信息聚合 > 把同一个中文配音演员的游戏角色台词替换会怎么样?


How about replacing the lines of the same Chinese dubbing actor?

2021-02-26 18:39:48来源: 游戏时光

最近这几年,不仅中文游戏越来越多,有中文配音的游戏也在不断增加,而且不同于以往我们听到的译制片腔,许多作品的中文配音水准都非常出色。远的不说,就前两个月发售的《渡神纪:芬尼斯崛起》和《赛博朋克2077》,听着优秀的中文配音,不用看字幕带来的游戏沉浸感是无与伦比的。受到了 B 站 UP主 Mr丶Yuan 的《声优相同的动画角色台词替换会是什么效果》系列视频启发,想到既然中文配音游戏这么多了,我们就做了一个类似的视频,只不过主角变成了大家喜爱的中文配音演员们,以及可爱的游戏角色们。视频地址(在此对 Mr丶Yuan 表示感谢)主要的想法就是来图一乐,纯属恶搞。或许你们在看时会发出惊叹,「原来这两个游戏角色的是同一个人配的啊」。限于个人阅历和精力,本期视频时长较短,诸如把《赛博朋克2077》中的粗口

In recent years, not only are there more and more Chinese games, but also there are more and more games with Chinese dubbing. Moreover, unlike the translated film tunes we heard in the past, the Chinese dubbing level of many works is very excellent. Apart from that, just two months ago, "Watanabe: the rise of Fennis" and "cyberpunk 2077" were released. Listening to excellent Chinese dubbing, without watching subtitles, the sense of immersion in the game is unparalleled. Inspired by the series videos of "what will be the effect of replacing the lines of animated characters with the same sound quality" by the up Masters & amp; nbsp; MR and yuan of station B, we thought that since there are so many Chinese dubbing games, we have made a similar video, but the protagonist has become our favorite Chinese dubbing actors and lovely game characters. The main idea of the video address (thank you to Mr, Yuan & amp; nbsp; here) is to have fun. It's a joke. Maybe you will exclaim when you watch it, "it turns out that these two characters are matched by the same person.". Limited to personal experience and energy, this issue of the video is short, such as the use of foul language in cyberpunk 2077

标签: 游戏