新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亨利·卡维尔或正参与一个《质量效应》秘密项目


Henry Carville may be involved in a secret project of "quality effect"

2021-02-25 11:43:38来源: 游戏时光

在 Netflix 《巫师》系列真人剧集中扮演了杰洛特一角的亨利·卡维尔于近日在自己的 Instagram 上公布了一张引人猜测的照片。图中他手握一沓文件,文件的纸质部分的文字显然是被刻意模糊了,但是通过“图片锐化”能够隐约看到“ Cerberus to take over the...Tali'Zorah or...Geth...Reaper...on...in order to...”等相关字样。通过检索这些关键词,我们有理由推测照片中亨利·卡维尔正在阅读的,就是《质量效应3》维基百科中对游戏剧情的介绍(PS:注意红框中的一段话,基本和图片中的文字能一一对应上)。同样值得玩味的是亨利的配文:秘密项目?亦或是一沓随便写着什么字的纸......我猜你们会对此期待的。周三快乐。从图片信息来看,亨利·卡维尔应该是在

Henry Carville, who plays the role of Jerome in the Netflix "Wizard" series, recently released a guessing photo on his instagram. In the picture, he is holding a stack of documents. The text in the paper part of the document is obviously deliberately blurred, but through "image sharpening", we can vaguely see "Cerberus to take over the... Tali'zorah or... Geth... Reaper... On... In order to..." and other related words. By searching these keywords, we have reason to speculate that what Henry Carvel is reading in the photo is the introduction to the game plot in Wikipedia of "quality effect 3" (PS: pay attention to the paragraph in the red box, which basically corresponds to the words in the picture one by one). Also worth pondering is Henry's epigraph: secret project? Or a stack of paper with any words on it... I guess you'll look forward to that. Happy Wednesday. From the picture information, Henry Carville should be in Beijing