新关注 > 信息聚合 > Bethesda因《辐射4》季票面临集体诉讼,或影响微软收购


Bethesda faces a class action lawsuit over season ticket of radiation 4, which may affect Microsoft's acquisition

2021-02-25 12:06:20来源: 游戏时光

近日,Bethesda 及其母公司 Zenimax Media 正面临一场棘手的集体诉讼,原告方面代表律师提出索取数以十亿计的赔偿,该诉讼甚至会影响到微软对 Zenimax Media 的收购。诉讼起因是 Bethesda 曾宣称《辐射4》季票将包含所有后续 DLC,但事实上却并非如此,因而引起了广大玩家的不满。 《辐射4》季票于 2015 年 9 月随本体一同发售,标价 30 美元(2016 年涨价到 50 美元) ,并承诺购买者“可以玩到本作未来推出的所有 DLC”。然而在 2017 年,Bethesda 推出了“创造俱乐部”(Creation Club),除了包含《辐射4》和《上古卷轴5:天际》全部原有内容外,还有新物品、新

&Recently, Bethesda and its parent company zenimax media are facing a tough class action lawsuit, in which the plaintiff filed for billions of damages on behalf of lawyers, and the lawsuit will even affect Microsoft's acquisition of zenimax media. The cause of the lawsuit is that Bethesda once claimed that the season ticket of radiation 4 will include all subsequent DLCs, but in fact it is not, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of the majority of players. &The season ticket of radiation 4 was sold with the ontology in September 2015, with a price of $30 (increased to $50 in 2016) and a promise that buyers "can play with all the DLCs that will be launched in the future.". However, in 2017, Bethesda launched the "creation club", which not only contains all the original contents of "radiation 4" and "ancient scroll 5: skyline", but also contains new items and new products

标签: 微软