新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你是《怪物猎人 崛起》的哪种怪物?官推趣味测试又来了

你是《怪物猎人 崛起》的哪种怪物?官推趣味测试又来了

What kind of monster are you from monster hunter rise? The official interest test is coming again

2021-02-25 19:11:07来源: 游戏时光

在之前的“你在《怪物猎人 崛起》中适合哪种武器”趣味测试之后,卡普空在今日又在推特上发起了一个趣味测试,活动内容为“诊断”玩家在《怪物猎人 崛起》中的怪物类型。有兴趣的玩家可以【点击此处】参与本次问卷调查,看看自己会是怎样威猛的怪物。在做完测试后,结果页面也会有怪物的简要介绍,不过目前测试仅有日文版本,需要大家结合翻译软件进行理解。本作将于 2021 年 3 月 26 日在 Switch 平台发售,支持中文。来源:Twitter

After the previous interesting test of "what kind of weapon are you suitable for in the rise of the monster hunter", kapukong launched another interesting test on twitter today, with the activity content of "diagnosing" the types of monsters in the rise of the monster hunter. Interested players can [click here] participate in this questionnaire to see how powerful they will be. After the test, there will also be a brief introduction of the monster on the result page, but at present, the test is only in Japanese, so we need to understand it with translation software. This work will be released on the switch platform on March 26, 2021, supporting Chinese. Source: Twitter

标签: 怪物猎人