新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《异度神剑》「梅莉亚·悠古」手办将于明年7月推出


"Magic sword" and "Melia Yougu" will be launched in July next year

2021-02-25 11:11:00来源: 游戏时光

GOOD SMILE COMPANY宣布将与任天堂旗下 JRPG《异度神剑 终极版》联动推出一款全新手办,为银莲花风格的梅莉亚·悠古,预定时间为 2 月 25 日至 4 月 7 日,亚洲旗舰店售价 1484 元,预计将于 2022 年 7 月陆续发货。该梅莉亚·悠古为 1/7 标准比例,髙约 245 mm,由 Jarel 负责原型制作、杉健司负责手办涂装,手办尽可能还原了梅莉亚充满悦动感的身姿,涂装也最大程度还原游戏内形象,兼具立体化作品的丰富看点,落落大方的上色,大幅的动作依旧表现着梅莉亚的恬静气质。 GOOD SMILE COMPANY 官网还宣布 2 月 25 日同日开订的还有《电锯人》角色“帕瓦”的粘土人,配有“普通脸”“笑脸”“咀嚼脸”以及锤子、柴刀、立体化喵子配件

Good smile company announced that it will launch a brand new hand-made sword with Nintendo's jrpg "the ultimate version of the magic sword". It is designed for the anemone style Melia Yougu. The scheduled time is from February 25 to April 7. The price of the Asian flagship store is 1484 yuan. It is expected that it will be delivered successively in July 2022. The standard ratio of meilia Yougu is 1 / 7, and the height is about 245 mm. Jarel is responsible for the prototype production, and Sugimoto is responsible for the hand painting. The hand painting restores meilia's dynamic posture as much as possible, and the painting also restores the image in the game to the greatest extent. It has rich perspectives of three-dimensional works, elegant coloring, and large movements still show meilia's quiet temperament. &The official website of good smile company also announced that on the same day of February 25, the clay man of "Pawa", the character of "chainsaw man", with "ordinary face", "smiling face" and "chewing face", as well as hammer, firewood knife and three-dimensional meow accessories, will be ordered