新关注 > 信息聚合 > 元宵节到了!给大家分享一千个「马力欧」红包封面


The Lantern Festival is coming! Let's share 1000 red envelope covers of "Mario"

2021-02-25 15:48:33来源: 游戏时光

作为「超级马力欧兄弟 35 周年」纪念活动周边的一份子,国行马力欧限定版主机套装已在春节期间发售,不知各位有没有买到这款配色特别、价格良心的限定套装,有兴趣的话不妨看看我们的开箱视频:视频地址春节期间,腾讯 Nintendo Switch 曾面向国行用户放出了数量有限的特别微信红包封面。而在元宵节到来之际,游戏时光 VGtime 为各位朋友再次送出 1000 份红包封面,只要使用微信 App 的「扫一扫」扫描下方二维码就可以获得红包封面,数量有限,尽快领取哦!

As a part of the celebration of the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Brothers, BOC Mario limited host package has been put on sale during the Spring Festival. I wonder if you have bought this Limited package with special color matching and conscientious price. If you are interested, please take a look at our open box video: video address during the Spring Festival, Tencent Nintendo switch A limited number of special wechat red envelope covers were released to users of BOC. On the eve of the Lantern Festival, vgtime will send you 1000 red envelope covers again. Just use the "scan" of wechat app to scan the QR code below to get the red envelope cover. The number is limited. Get it as soon as possible!