新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂官方即将停止3DS/3DSLL主机的维修服务


Nintendo is about to stop the maintenance service of its 3DS / 3dsll host

2021-02-25 19:18:35来源: 游戏时光

任天堂今日宣布,2021 年3 月 31 日起,官方即将全面暂停 3DS 和 3DS LL 主机的维修服务。这意味着 3 月 31 日以后,无论消费者购买的机器是否还在保修期间,都没有办法再享受官方的维修服务。 官方给出的理由是由于旧有零件供应困难,会造成主机无法维修的情况,希望玩家能够理解。全文公示如下图。 受理结束日为 2021 年 3 月 31 日(星期三)。对象商品为任天堂 3DS 主机[CTR -001](全色)与任天堂 3ds LL 主机[SPR -001](全色)。可能存在上述日期前,修理必要的零件的库存用完,不能接受修理的情况,敬请谅解。  

&Nintendo announced today that from March 31, 2021, it will suspend the maintenance service of its 3DS and its ll mainframe. This means that after March 31, no matter whether the machine purchased by consumers is still under warranty, they can no longer enjoy the official maintenance service. &The official reason is that due to the difficulty in supply of old parts, the mainframe can not be repaired. I hope players can understand. The full text is shown in the figure below. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; the closing date is Wednesday, March 31, 2021. The target products are Nintendo 3DS [CTR - 001] (full color) and Nintendo 3DS ll [SPR - 001] (full color). Before the above date, the inventory of necessary parts for repair may be used up and the repair cannot be accepted. Please understand.     &nbsp

标签: 任天堂