新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最终幻想7》两款手游公布:一款吃鸡,一款包含全部时间线


"Final Fantasy 7" two mobile games announced: one eat chicken, one contains all the timeline

2021-02-26 07:30:28来源: 游戏时光

在今天的「State of play」发布会之后,Square Enix 紧接着公布了两款《最终幻想7》相关的手游。第一款为「吃鸡」游戏《最终幻想7 第一战士》,故事发生在《最终幻想7》故事线之前,玩家要作为神罗战士候选人,充分在战场中利用能力生存。视频地址第二款为《最终幻想7 Ever Crisis》,预计 2022 年登陆 iOS/安卓平台。这是一款章节式的单人游戏,包含《最终幻想7》世界的全部时间线,即包含 1997 年的原版、 电影「圣子降临」、游戏《危机之前》、《核心危机》《地狱犬的挽歌》 。某种程度上来说可以说是手游版的「FF7重制版」。视频地址

Following today's "state of play" launch, square Enix announced two mobile games related to final fantasy 7. The first one is "eat chicken" game "the first soldier of Final Fantasy 7". The story takes place before the story line of "Final Fantasy 7". As a candidate of Shenluo warrior, players should make full use of their ability to survive in the battlefield. The second video address is "Final Fantasy 7 ever crisis", which is expected to be launched on IOS / Android platform in 2022. This is a chapter style single player game, including all the time lines of the world of Final Fantasy 7, including the original version of 1997, the movie "the coming of the son", the game "before the crisis", "the core crisis" and "Elegy of hellhounds". To some extent, it can be said to be the "FF7 remaking" of mobile game version. Video address

标签: 手游 最终幻想