新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彭博社:《龙腾世纪4》将不会有多人,会是一款纯单机


"Longteng century 4" will not have many people, it will be a single machine

2021-02-26 11:08:43来源: 游戏时光

据彭博社报道,由于近期《圣歌》的失败,EA 决定将《龙腾世纪4》的多人部分砍掉,因为“玩家对多人内容这一套已经很熟了”,而且《星球大战 绝地:陨落的武士团》证明了单机游戏也能成功。一位 Bioware 内部的匿名人士向彭博社透露,《龙腾世纪4》在原本的计划中有着相当多的多人游戏内容,不过目前《龙腾世纪4》已经变为一款纯粹的单机游戏。自《龙腾世纪4》在 2018 年的 TGA 上正式公布后,围绕它的坏消息接连不断:该作在 2017 年已经重启过一次;随后本作的首席制作人,Bioware 的总经理以及执行制作人纷纷离职。目前除了官方放出的一些艺术图和短篇故事,本作尚无任何新消息。来源:Kotaku

EA decided to cut off the multiplayer part of dragon age 4 due to the recent failure of hymn, because "players are familiar with multiplayer content" and "Star Wars Jedi: the fallen order of warriors" proved that stand-alone games can also be successful, according to the report of Bloomberg. An anonymous person inside BioWare told the news agency that "dragon age 4" had a lot of multiplayer content in the original plan, but now it has become a pure stand-alone game. Since Longteng century 4 was officially released on TGA in 2018, there has been a lot of bad news around it: the work has been restarted once in 2017; then the chief producer, general manager and executive producer of BioWare, have left. At present, apart from some art pictures and short stories released by the government, there is no new news about this work. Source: Kotaku