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SIE总裁:将会有更多游戏首发加入PS Plus

Sie President: more games will be launched to join PS plus

2021-02-24 12:32:40来源: 游戏时光

SIE 总裁吉姆·瑞安在接受外媒采访时表示,未来将会有更多游戏首发加入 PS Plus 会免行列。在采访中,外媒 GQ 引用了索尼此前公布的数据,提到已经有 87% 的用户订阅了 PS Plus 服务,并询问此事是否会影响索尼接下来的策略。吉姆·瑞安回应称,未来将会有更多游戏在发售日加入 PS Plus 会免行列:我们会让一些老游戏免费加入“在家游玩”活动,同时也会让一些新游戏首发会免,就像《虫子快餐店》和《毁灭赛车 全明星》那样。这种创新又有趣的方式很适合作为发行商的索尼,而且我知道 PS Plus 的订阅用户会喜欢这样。目前索尼尚未公布接下来会有哪些游戏采取首发会免的销售策略,不过 PS4 游戏《瑞奇与叮当》将于 3 月 1 日起至 3 月 31 日期间免费,一旦领取就等同于入库。来源:GQ

In an interview with foreign media, Sie President Jim Ryan said that in the future, more games will be launched to join PS plus. In the interview, foreign media GQ quoted the data previously released by Sony, mentioned that 87% of users have subscribed to the PS plus service, and asked whether the matter will affect Sony's next strategy. Jim Ryan responded that in the future, more games will be added to the PS plus free list on the release day: we will let some old games join the "play at home" activity for free, and we will also let some new games start free, just like "insect fast food restaurant" and "destroy racing Star". This innovative and interesting way is very suitable for Sony as a publisher, and I know PS plus subscribers will like it. Sony has not yet announced which games will be released free of charge, but the PS4 game Ricky and Dingdang will be free from March 1 to March 31, and once received, it will be equivalent to warehousing. Source: GQ

标签: 游戏 PS