新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2021年1月全球数字游戏市场报告:数字游戏内容收入年增15%


Global digital game market report in January 2021: digital game content revenue increases by 15% annually

2021-02-24 16:32:43来源: 游戏时光

数据分析结构 SuperData 放出了 2021 年 1 月全球数字游戏市场的统计报告。 总体来说,全球数字游戏市场在该月总收入为 1160 亿美元,相比去年同期增长了 15%。其中移动端同比增长 6%,PC 端增长 31%,主机端增长 24%。 数字收入前十的游戏统计如下(以下排名分先后)。PC地下城与勇士英雄联盟穿越火线梦幻西游魔兽世界无畏契约CS: GORoblox虚拟世界坦克世界堡垒之夜主机使命召唤 黑色行动 冷战NBA 2K21GTA5FIFA21堡垒之夜Apex英雄托尼·霍克专业滑板1+2使命召唤 现代战争刺客信条 英灵殿原神移动端Free Fire精灵宝可梦 GO和平精英王者

&Superdata released the statistical report of global digital game market in January 2021. &Overall, the global digital game market generated $116 billion in revenue this month, up 15% from a year earlier. Among them, the mobile terminal increased by 6%, the PC terminal increased by 31%, and the host terminal increased by 24%. &The statistics of the top 10 digital revenue games are as follows (in the following order). PC dungeon and warriors hero League dream journey westward world of Warcraft fearless contract CS: goroblox virtual world tank world fortress night host call of Duty Black action cold war NBA 2k21gta5 fifa21 fortress night apex hero Tony Hawk professional skateboard 1 + 2 call of Duty Modern War assassin creed Hall of heroes mobile terminal free fire spirit baokemeng go peace elite King

标签: 游戏