新关注 > 信息聚合 > SIE总裁:未来继续深化与日本发行商的合作


President of SIE: continue to deepen cooperation with Japanese publishers in the future

2021-02-24 12:16:15来源: 游戏时光

SIE 总裁吉姆·瑞安近期接受了日煤 Famitsu 的采访。对于日本市场相关的问题内容整理如下。 吉姆·瑞安表示第一方的 Japan Studio 工作室的作品目前没有能透露的消息,对于开发了颇为成功的《宇宙机器人 游戏空间》的Team Asobi 工作室,他表示日后会再讨论相关进展。 索尼第一方全球工作室目前已经公布了多款第一方作品,不过还有其他尚未公布的作品正在开发中。同时瑞安提到 SIE 与日本发行商有着很强的联系,未来会继续加强双方合作,将日本的游戏带给全世界的 PlayStation 粉丝。来源:Famitsu

&Jim Ryan, President of SIE, recently gave an interview to Famitsu. The issues related to the Japanese market are sorted out as follows. &Jim Ryan said that there is no information about the works of the first party's Japan studio at present. As for team Asobi studio, which has developed the quite successful space of space robot game, he said that he would discuss the relevant progress in the future. &Sony first party global studio has released a number of first party works, but there are other works in development that have not yet been published. At the same time, Ryan mentioned that Sie has strong ties with Japanese publishers and will continue to strengthen cooperation in the future to bring Japanese games to Playstation fans all over the world. Source: Famitsu