新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼PlayStation“在家游玩”活动回归:《瑞奇与叮当》即将免费赠送


Sony Playstation's "play at home" activity returns: Ricky and Dingdang will be given away for free

2021-02-23 23:07:10来源: 游戏时光

索尼曾在去年的四月份公布了一个“在家游玩”活动,对所有 PlayStation 玩家免费了《神秘海域 德雷克合集》《风之旅人》两款游戏(国服额外多一个《纳克的大冒险》)。今日索尼宣布该活动回归,从三月开始,未来四个月将会陆续提供一批的免费游戏供玩家游玩。 将于 2021 年 3 月 1 日起至 3 月 31 日期间免费的首款游戏是于 2016 年发售的 PS4 游戏 《瑞奇与叮当》。玩家一旦领取就等同于入库。 此外从 3 月 25 日起还有针对海外动画网站 Funimation 的相关会员优惠活动,有条件的玩家可以进一步从官方信息中了解。 下款免费游戏

&In April last year, Sony announced a "play at home" activity, offering all Playstation players two free games, namely "Drake collection in the mysterious sea" and "travelers in the wind" (national service has an additional "NACK's big adventure"). Sony announced the return of the event today. Starting from March, it will provide a batch of free games for players to play in the next four months. &The first game that will be free from March 1 to March 31, 2021 is the PS4 game Ricky and tinker, which will be released in 2016. Once the player receives it, it is equivalent to entering the warehouse. &In addition, from March 25, there will be a member discount for the overseas animation website foundation, and players with conditions can learn more from the official information. &The next free game

标签: 索尼