新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《堡垒之夜》联动新角色:《街头霸王》的隆和春丽


New characters in Fortress night: long and Chunli in street overlord

2021-02-20 14:27:34来源: 游戏时光

Epic 在今天凌晨公布了《堡垒之夜》的全新联动内容,来自《街头霸王》的隆和春丽将作为角色皮肤加入到《堡垒之夜》中,更多信息将在不久之后公布。官方目前放出了联动的宣传短片,并且还有两段角色泄露展示,玩家可以一睹两名角色在《堡垒之夜》中的造型。可以发现随着两名角色的加入,春丽的凤翼扇和隆的升龙拳都作为动作姿势添加到了游戏中,这也是继曼达洛人、士官长、奎托斯、蛇眼等知名人物后之后,又两位出现在《堡垒之夜》的全新联动角色。

Epic announced the new linkage content of "Fortress night" early this morning. Long and Chunli from "street overlord" will be added to "Fortress night" as the role skin. More information will be announced in the near future. At present, the government has released a joint propaganda video, and there are also two parts of the role leakage display. Players can see the two roles in the "Fortress night" modeling. It can be found that with the addition of the two characters, Chunli's Phoenix wing fan and long's Dragon Rising fist have been added to the game as action postures. This is also a new joint role in Fortress night after the famous characters such as Mandalorian, sergeant, Kratos and snake eye.