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John kamack: Sony and Microsoft should auction their next generation hosts to deal with scalpers

2021-02-21 11:25:21来源: 游戏时光

PS5 和 Xbox Series 已经上市好一段时间了,但受产能和黄牛党的影响,不少玩家都还没能买到次世代主机。id Software 创始人、传奇程序员约翰 · 卡马克最近就在社交媒体聊了下这件事。卡马克认为,索尼微软应该通过官方直营渠道拍卖产品,让玩家不会被中间商赚差价。卡马克提到的不仅仅是索尼和微软,还包括卖显卡的英伟达。卡马克说:考虑到 3090 显卡和次时代主机所面临的供应短缺和黄牛问题,似乎官方直接推出一个透明的拍卖系统和更有效率的市场才是对我们大家更好的选择。过去销售渠道的世界阻止了这一点,但其实已经有很多产品超越了这个界限了。卡马克后续补充说,尽管由官方提出「拍卖」这种销售策略会引来不少消费者的愤怒,但他认为长远来看,刨除中间商对消费者来说始终是好事。有反对的网友认为,拍卖机制只会令资金充裕的

Ps5 and Xbox series have been on the market for a long time, but due to the influence of production capacity and scalpers, many players have not been able to buy next-generation hosts. Id software founder and legendary programmer John kamack recently talked about this on social media. Carmack believes that Sony and Microsoft should auction products through official direct channels, so that players will not be able to earn a difference by middlemen. Carmack mentioned not only Sony and Microsoft, but also NVIDIA, which sells graphics cards. Considering the supply shortage and scalper problem faced by the 3090 graphics card and sub era host, it seems that a transparent auction system and a more efficient market directly launched by the government is a better choice for all of us, Carmack said. In the past, the world of sales channels prevented this, but in fact, many products have gone beyond this limit. Carmack added that although the official sales strategy of "auction" would arouse the anger of many consumers, he believed that in the long run, it would always be good for consumers to eliminate middlemen. Some opposed netizens think that the auction mechanism will only make money abundant

标签: 索尼 微软