新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《吸血鬼之避世 血族2》不会在2021年发售,预购中止

《吸血鬼之避世 血族2》不会在2021年发售,预购中止

"Vampire's refuge 2" will not be on sale in 2021, pre order will be suspended

2021-02-23 21:16:37来源: 游戏时光

发行商 Paradox Interactive 今日宣布,旗下的动作冒险游戏《吸血鬼之避世 血族2》无法于 2021 年内发售,同时将中止该作的预购,而且本作的开发商 Hardsuit Labs 也已经退出该项目。Paradox 表示已经找到了新的合作伙伴继续开发本作,但并未透露具体是哪个工作室。 发行商今天在官网发布了 2020 年的年终报告中,其中写道本次延期“是一次艰难的决定”:我们选择推迟发售《吸血鬼之避世 血族2》,本作将不会在 2021 年内发售,同时 Hardsuit Labs 将不再领导游戏的开发工作。我们已经在和新的工作室进行合作,以期完成游戏制作。这是一次艰难的决定,但我们相信这是做好游戏的正确道路。除此之外,本作的官方网站也发布了一篇声明,

The publisher Paradox Interactive announced today that its action adventure game "vampire's refuge 2" will not be available for sale in 2021, and that it will suspend pre purchase of the game, and its developer & amp; nbsp; Hardsuit labs & amp; nbsp; has also withdrawn from the project. Paradox & amp; nbsp; said it had found a new partner to continue developing the work, but did not disclose which studio it was. &In its 2020 year-end report released on its official website today, the publisher said that the delay was "a tough decision": we chose to postpone the release of "vampire's blood 2", which will not be released in 2021, and that Hardsuit labs will no longer lead the development of the game. We are already working with the new studio to complete the game. It's a tough decision, but we believe it's the right way to play well. In addition, the official website also issued a statement,