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CD Projekt采取措施应对黑客入侵造成的代码泄露

CD Projekt takes measures to deal with code leakage caused by hacker intrusion

2021-02-21 11:10:20来源: 游戏时光

CD Projekt 在本月早些时候遭黑客盗取数据,目前该公司正在尽其所能防止其游戏代码在网上传播。所采用的方式是向那些试图在网上分享代码的人递送 DMCA 通知。据 Vice 报道,2 月 18 日,至少两名推特用户收到了 DMCA 通知,通知其分享卡牌游戏《昆特牌》代码有关的推文被撤下。其中有一条相关推文包含了《昆特牌》游戏源代码的 BT 种子链接。因为 CD Projekt 拒绝与盗取数据的黑客谈判,黑客组织已经开始出售一些数据。根据 CD Projekt 的说明,有四个不同项目的源代码被盗,还有一些人力资源、财务、法律等敏感领域的信息。但不包含用户数据。来源:GameSpot

CD Projekt was hacked earlier this month and is doing everything it can to prevent its game code from spreading online. The way to do this is to send DMCA notifications to people who are trying to share the code online. On February 18, at least two Twitter users received a DMCA notification that tweets about sharing the code of the card game "kunte" were removed, vice reported. One of the related tweets contains a BT seed link to the game's source code. Because CD Projekt refuses to negotiate with hackers who steal data, the hacking group has begun to sell some data. According to CD Projekt, the source codes of four different projects have been stolen, as well as some information in sensitive areas such as human resources, finance and law. But it does not contain user data. Source: gamespot