新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软表示部分游戏无法通过FPS Boost提升,大批游戏正在测试中

微软表示部分游戏无法通过FPS Boost提升,大批游戏正在测试中

Microsoft said that some games could not be upgraded by FPS boost, and a large number of games are being tested

2021-02-21 13:04:17来源: 游戏时光

微软近期为 Xbox Series X|S 系统添加了的一个名为“FPS Boost”新功能。FPS Boost 能将一些兼容游戏的帧数进行翻倍,在不修改游戏代码的前提下带来 60 帧或 120 帧的游戏体验。这样的技术虽然方便,但也非万能。 Xbox 项目管理总监杰森·罗纳德(Jason Ronald)在官方电台节目中提到,FPS Boost 不会适用于所有游戏,因为有些游戏的源代码是极度依赖原本的游戏帧数来运行的。一些游戏在测试过程中会出现动画两倍速,甚至整个游戏世界也两倍速的情况。 对我们而言至关重要的是,我们尊重创作者原本的意图。所以我们在做这种平台级别的事情时会与开发商和发行商一同

&Microsoft recently added a new feature called "FPS boost" to the Xbox series X | s system. FPS boost can double the number of frames of some compatible games and bring 60 or 120 frames of game experience without modifying the game code. Although such technology is convenient, it is not omnipotent. &Jason Ronald, director of Xbox project management, said on the official radio program that FPS boost would not apply to all games, because the source code of some games is extremely dependent on the number of frames of the original game. Some games in the test process will appear animation double speed, even the whole game world also double speed. &It's important for us to respect the original intention of the creator. So when we do this kind of platform level thing, we will work together with developers and publishers

标签: 游戏 微软 PS