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Morning news (February 23)

2021-02-23 07:00:00来源: 游戏时光

游戏新闻《看门狗:军团》多人模式将于3月9日推出育碧宣布旗下游戏《看门狗:军团》将于 3 月 9 日更新线上多人模式。《糖豆人 终极淘汰赛》将与《茶杯头》展开联动《糖豆人 终极淘汰赛》在社交媒体上宣布将于本周三(2 月 24 日)与《茶杯头》展开联动,上下身装扮和表情各需要 5 个皇冠来兑换。《帕斯卡契约:终极版》将于3月12日在Steam平台推出目前 Steam 商店已经有《帕斯卡契约:终极版》的页面,根据商店页面显示,游戏将于 3 月 12 日推出。《最终幻想16》新情报:将强调动作元素《最终幻想16》自公布以来就一直没向外界透露太多消息,今天游戏制作人吉田直树在一个广播节目里透露了《最终幻想16》将以“动作元素”为主导,制作团队正在努力让不擅长动作游戏的玩家也能玩得尽兴。同时制作团队正在优化游戏剧本。《王

Game news "watchdog: Legion" multiplayer mode will be launched on March 9. Ubisoft announced that its game "watchdog: Legion" will update online multiplayer mode on March 9. "Tangdouren's final elimination" will be linked with "teacup head". The "tangdouren's final elimination" announced on social media that it will be linked with "teacup head" on Wednesday (February 24). Five crowns will be needed for the upper and lower body's dress and expression. "Pascal contract: the ultimate version" will be launched on the steam platform on March 12. At present, the steam store already has the page of "Pascal contract: the ultimate version". According to the store page, the game will be launched on March 12. "Final Fantasy 16" new intelligence: will emphasize the action elements. "Final Fantasy 16" has not disclosed too much information to the outside world since it was released. Today, game producer Yoshida Naoki disclosed in a radio program that "Final Fantasy 16" will be dominated by "action elements". The production team is trying to make players who are not good at Action Games enjoy themselves. Meanwhile, the production team is optimizing the script. The king