新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王国之心》系列PC配置要求公布,GTX1070畅玩全系列


"Heart of the kingdom" series PC configuration requirements announced, gtx1070 enjoy the whole series

2021-02-22 11:59:30来源: 游戏时光

此前《王国之心》系列 PC 版宣布于 3 月 30 日独占登陆 Epic 商店,其中《王国之心3》和《王国之心 记忆旋律》支持中文。《王国之心》系列作品的 PC 配置要求现已公布,i5-7500/锐龙3+GTX 1070/Vega 56 显卡即可全部畅玩。具体详情如下。《王国之心HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX》 推荐配置里没有显卡和 DirectX 版本,猜测是漏写了。《王国之心HD2.8:终章序幕》《王国之心3》《王国之心 记忆旋律》

&Previously, the PC version of "heart of the kingdom" series announced its exclusive access to epic store on March 30, in which "heart of the Kingdom 3" and "heart of the Kingdom memory melody" support Chinese. The PC configuration requirements of "heart of the kingdom" series works have been announced, and i5-7500 / sharp Dragon 3 + GTX 1070 / Vega 56 graphics card can play all of them. Details are as follows. "Heart of the Kingdom HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix" & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; recommended configuration has no graphics card and DirectX version, guess it is missing. Heart of the kingdom hd2.8: prelude to the final chapter, heart of the Kingdom 3, memory melody of the heart of the Kingdom

标签: PC