新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本一《说谎公主与盲眼王子》团队新作6月24日登陆Switch


Japan's new work "lying Princess and blind Prince" landed on switch on June 24

2021-02-22 11:40:55来源: 游戏时光

据日本零售商电器商 Bic Camera 线上商店提前透露,日本一将推出一款绘本旅行风格 RPG《坏国王与出色勇者》(わるい王様とりっぱな勇者),预计将于 6 月 24 日登陆 Switch 平台,目前该商店已删除本作页面。 从商店介绍页面可知,《坏国王与出色勇者》是一款主打“异种族父女温情物语”的游戏,美术风格同日本一的另一款绘本风格作品《说谎公主与盲目王子》,角色及背景等画面构成的元素仍由前作画师手绘制作而成的。本作主角“悠”是已故的人类勇者的女儿,而将她抚养大的“龙王”正是当年的魔王,“龙王”每晚都用勇者的故事哄“悠”入睡,对勇者传说满怀憧憬的她长大后立志成为杰出的勇者前往冒险…… 来源:esuteru

According to the online store of Bic Camera, a Japanese retailer, a picture book travel style RPG "bad king and outstanding brave" will be launched in Japan on June 24. The store has deleted the page. &Amp; nbsp; from the introduction page of the store, it can be seen that "bad king and the outstanding brave" is a game with the main theme of "the warm story of heterogeneous father and daughter". The art style is the same as another picture book style work "lying Princess and blind Prince" in Japan. The elements of the characters and background are still hand drawn by the former painter. The protagonist "you" in this novel is the daughter of the late human brave. The "Dragon King" who brought her up is the demon king of that year. Every night, the "Dragon King" coaxes you to sleep with the story of the brave. She is full of longing for the legend of the brave. When she grows up, she is determined to become an outstanding brave and go to adventure &Amp; nbsp; source: esultu

标签: Switch