新关注 > 信息聚合 > Stadia《狂野星球之旅》出现恶性bug,因开发团队已被遣散无法维护


There is a vicious bug in stadia's journey to the wild planet, because the development team has been demobilized and cannot be maintained

2021-02-23 12:41:26来源: 游戏时光

近日,有玩家发现 Stadia 版《狂野星球之旅》出现了恶性 bug,游戏会卡在主界面无法进行游玩。最惨的是,Stadia 版的玩家们可能等不到游戏修复了,因为开发本作的工作室 Typhon 已经作为谷歌 Stadia 第一方游戏工作室的一部分被遣散了。有玩家联系到《狂野星球之旅》的发行商 505 Games,希望他们能着手修复游戏出现的 bug,505 Games 方面在回信中表示对此无能为力,因为 Stadia 版其实不是 505 负责发行的:不幸的是,由于《狂野星球之旅》的全部代码和数据都归谷歌 Stadia 所有,我们目前无法修复游戏的 bug。他们还建议玩家联系谷歌解决这一问题,因为目前“谷歌是 Stadia 平台的游戏发行负责方”,而自己已经插不上手了。Typhoon 工作室在 2019 年 12

Recently, some players have found that there is a vicious bug in the stadia version of "journey to the Wild Planet", the game will be stuck in the main interface and cannot be played. Worst of all, the players of stadia may not be able to wait for the game to be repaired, because the studio that developed this work, Typhon, has been dismissed as part of the first party game studio of Google stadia. Some players contacted 505 games, the publisher of "journey to the Wild Planet", hoping that they could start to fix the bugs in the game. 505 Games said in its reply that there was nothing they could do about it, because standia was not responsible for the distribution of 505: Unfortunately, all the code and data of "journey to the Wild Planet" belonged to Google standia So, we can't fix the game bug right now. They also suggest that players contact Google to solve this problem, because "Google is the game distribution leader of the stadia platform" and they can't get involved. Studio typoon in December 2019