新关注 > 信息聚合 > CC2社长透露索尼正在审查《鬼灭之刃 火神血风谭》的血腥暴力元素

CC2社长透露索尼正在审查《鬼灭之刃 火神血风谭》的血腥暴力元素

CC2 president revealed that Sony is reviewing the bloody violence elements of "ghost blade, Vulcan, blood wind"

2021-02-23 10:37:55来源: 游戏时光

Aniplex 此前宣布了吾峠呼世晴原著热门漫画《鬼灭之刃》改编为格斗游戏《鬼灭之刃 火神血风谭》的消息,游戏预计将于 2021 年登陆 Xbox Series X|S/PC/PS4/PS5/Xbox One 平台,近日负责本作开发的团队 CyberConnect2 透露了本作的血腥暴力元素一定程度上受到了索尼的规制。 作为开发了《火影究极忍者风暴》系列和《龙珠Z 卡卡罗特》等人气格斗动作游戏的厂商,CyberConnect2 在漫改动作游戏领域可谓经验丰富,不过随着时代发展和百姓接受程度不断提高,目前日本青少年向的热血战斗漫画中流血断肢等血腥暴力元素变得越来越频繁,在近日的游戏发表说明会上,CyberConnect2 社长松山洋就被问及《鬼灭之刃 火神血风谭》将保留何等程度的流血断肢表现

Aniplex previously announced that the popular cartoon ghost blade, originally written by Wu shoushiqing, will be adapted into the fighting game ghost blade blood wind tan. The game is expected to be launched on the Xbox series x|s / PC / PS4 / ps5 / Xbox one platform in 2021. Recently, the team responsible for the development of this work, cyberconnect2, revealed that the bloody elements of this work are regulated by Sony to a certain extent.    As a manufacturer of popular fighting action games such as "fire shadow research Ninja Storm" series and "Dragon Ball Z karot", cyberconnect 2 It can be said that he has rich experience in the field of manggai action games. However, with the development of the times and the continuous improvement of people's acceptance, the bloody violence elements such as bleeding and amputation in the hot-blooded battle cartoons of Japanese teenagers are becoming more and more frequent. At the recent game release conference, cyberconnect 2 president Matsuyama Yang was asked about "ghost blade" What degree of bleeding and amputation will be preserved in the story of Huoshen xuefengtan

标签: 索尼