新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超级少女将在《闪电侠》个人电影登场,萨莎·卡莱出演


Super girl will appear in the individual film "flash", with the role of Sasha Carley

2021-02-20 11:33:12来源: 游戏时光

DCEU《闪电侠》个人电影导演安德斯 · 穆斯切蒂(Andy Muschietti)在社交媒体宣布,萨莎 · 卡莱(Sasha Calle)将在该影片中出演超级少女(Supergirl)。视频地址穆斯切蒂以一段网络视频电话录像公布了这个消息。视频中,穆斯切蒂先神秘地问卡莱「你会飞吗」「你想飞吗」,得到对方肯定答复后从镜头外掏出一套超级少女的制服,并惊喜地宣布「你是超级少女了」。据《综艺》报道,穆斯切蒂试镜了超过 400 名女演员,最后选中了萨莎 · 卡莱。萨莎 · 卡莱出生于 1995 年,在肥皂剧《不安分的青春》中表现出色,获得了日间艾美奖提名。卡莱是有史以来首个出演超级少女的拉丁裔演员,同时这也是她首次有机会登上银幕,参与电影拍摄。《闪电侠》个人电影由埃兹拉 · 米勒主演,之前因为演员档期、疫情等各种问题迟

Andy muschietti, director of dceu's flash, announced on social media that Sasha calle will play Supergirl in the film. The video address, muschetti, released the news in a video phone video. In the video, moschetti mysteriously asks Carly "can you fly" and "do you want to fly". After receiving a positive reply from the other party, he takes out a set of super girl's uniform from outside the camera and announces in surprise that "you are a super girl.". According to variety, moschetti auditioned for more than 400 actresses and finally chose Sasha Carley. Born in 1995, Sasha Carley won a day Emmy nomination for her outstanding performance in the soap opera restless youth. Carlisle is the first Latino actress ever to act as a super girl, and it's also the first time she's had the chance to go on the screen and make a movie. "Flash" personal film starred by Ezra Miller, before because of the cast schedule, epidemic and other issues late

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