新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战国无双5》将于今年夏季推出 发售日下周公布

《战国无双5》将于今年夏季推出 发售日下周公布

"Wushuang 5" will be released this summer, and will be released next week

2021-02-18 07:04:22来源: 游戏时光

在今早的任天堂直面会上,光荣特库摩正式公布了《战国无双5》。本作采用了全新的视觉风格和角色的外观、动作设计,将于今年夏季登陆 PS4/NS/PC 平台。光荣特库摩将在北京时间 2 月 25 日晚上 8 点进行直播,届时制作人鲤沼久史将带来《战国无双5》的确切发售日、新预告等更多信息。视频地址

In this morning's Nintendo face-to-face meeting, glorious tekumo officially announced "unparalleled in the Warring States 5.". This work adopts a new visual style and character appearance and action design, and will be launched on PS4 / NS / PC platform this summer. Glorious tekumo will be broadcast live at 8:00 p.m. Beijing time on February 25. At that time, producer Kuruma Kushi will bring more information about the exact sale date, new notice and so on. Video address