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新增双人模式,《经典回归 魔界村》eShop预约开始

New double mode, classic back to demon village eshop appointment starts

2021-02-18 15:01:46来源: 游戏时光

由卡普空开发,将于 2 月 25 日发售的横板动作游戏《经典回归 魔界村》现已开始 eShop 预约。本作在保留原有难度的同时,新增了双人模式供玩家游玩,今早的任天堂直面会也公布了新的宣传片。视频地址本作除了有独自勇敢挑战困难的乐趣外,更可通过辅助角色「三仙爷」进行双人游玩。此外,双人模式可对应「分享游玩」,玩家可通过和朋友分享 Joy-Con 直接一同游玩。辅助亚瑟的「三仙爷」,祖先守护灵也大活跃?!辅助角色「三仙爷」是守护亚瑟的 3 位个性独特的祖先守护灵。他们从天而降,三人将以三种不同的「魔法」来协助亚瑟。2P 玩家在 1P 游玩时随时都可以参战,可实时替换「三仙爷」来协助亚瑟。「三仙爷」可任意在空中飘浮,除了能施放独有的「魔法」外还可进行射击。受到敌人的伤害后会暂时处于「灵魂」状态,但可无限复活。「守护

The board action game classic back to demon village, developed by kapukong and to be released on February 25, is now available for eshop booking. While retaining the original difficulty, this work has added two person mode for players to play. This morning's Nintendo face-to-face meeting also announced a new promotional video. In addition to the fun of challenging difficulties alone, the video address can also be played by two people through the auxiliary role of "three immortals". In addition, the two player mode can correspond to "share play". Players can directly play together by sharing joy con with friends. Assist Arthur's "three immortals", ancestral guardian spirit is also very active?! The auxiliary character "three immortals" is the guardian spirit of three unique ancestors who guard Arthur. They come down from the sky, and the three will help Arthur with three different kinds of "magic.". 2p players can take part in the battle at any time when playing in 1p. They can replace the "three immortals" in real time to help Arthur. "Three immortals" can float in the air at will. In addition to casting unique "magic", they can also shoot. After being hurt by the enemy, it will be in the "soul" state temporarily, but it can be resurrected indefinitely. "Guard