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Morning news (February 19)

2021-02-19 07:00:00来源: 游戏时光

游戏新闻EGS周免游戏:《绝对漂移》和《狂怒2》Epic 游戏商城本周可免费领取游戏《绝对漂移》和《狂怒2》,领取时间于 2 月 26 日 00:00 截止,下周的周免游戏为《无光之海》。肝帝Hakoom的奖杯数正式突破十万以刷 PS 奖杯数而闻名的肝帝 Hakoom,在不久前奖杯数正式突破十万。《最终幻想14》至少还将持续更新五年网游《最终幻想14》的制作人吉田直树在最近接受了华盛顿邮报的采访。在采访中吉田直树表示,按照目前《最终幻想14》玩家的增长率,游戏至少还能再持续更新五年。同时,公司的 CEO 希望游戏最后的玩家数量能达到 3000 万。《魔兽世界:燃烧的远征》怀旧服将于年内上线根据 IGN 的爆料,《魔兽世界:燃烧的远征》怀旧服将于今年年内上线。《宝可梦大集结》将于3月在加拿大开启Beta测试宝可梦

Game news EGS weekly free games: "absolute drift" and "fury 2" epic game mall can get free games "absolute drift" and "fury 2" this week. The collection time will end at 00:00 on February 26. Next week's weekly free games will be "sea of no light". The number of trophies of liver emperor hakoom officially exceeded 100000. Recently, the number of trophies of liver emperor hakoom, who is famous for brushing PS trophies, officially exceeded 100000. "Final Fantasy 14" will continue to update for at least five years. Yoshida Naoshu, the producer of online game "Final Fantasy 14", recently interviewed the Washington Post. In the interview, Yoshida said that according to the current "Final Fantasy 14" player growth rate, the game can continue to update for at least another five years. At the same time, the CEO of the company hopes that the final number of players in the game will reach 30 million. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade will go online this year. According to IGN, the world of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade will go online this year. The beta test of baokemeng will be launched in Canada in March