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日本游戏周销量 2021.2.8~2.14《超级马力欧3D世界》登顶

Japan game week sales 2021.2.8 ~ 2.14

2021-02-19 09:36:24来源: 游戏时光

由 Fami 通统计的日本地区年末双周(2021.2.8~2.14)游戏销量现已公布,本周任天堂旗下加量移植作品《超级马力欧3D世界 + 狂怒世界》发售,成功挤下《桃太郎电铁 昭和平成令和全都来!》登顶周销量榜,首周卖出 25.2 万份。 尽管连冠之路遭到终结,但《桃太郎电铁 昭和平成令和全都来!》仍占据着销量榜第二的位置,本周依旧卖出 4.7 万份的优秀成绩。 上周万代南梦宫旗下恐怖动作游戏《小小梦魇2》也已发售,本作 Switch 版和 PS4 版销量分别为 2.4 万和 1.1 万,分别位于销量榜第三和第七。 2021.2.8~2.14 日本游戏销量排行榜: Switch《超级马力欧3D世界 + 狂怒世界》25 万 1800 份(累计 25

According to the statistics of famitong, the sales volume of games in Japan in the end of the two weeks (2021.2.8-2.14) has been announced. This week, Nintendo's incremental transplant work "Super Mario 3D world + fury world" is on sale, successfully crowding out "taotaro electric and Tiezhao peace order" and "all come! 》On the top of the weekly sales list, 252000 copies were sold in the first week. &Despite the end of the road to the championship, taotaro diantiezhao peace order and all come! 》Still occupy the second place in the sales list, this week still sold 47000 excellent results. &Last week, Wandai nanmenggong's horror action game "little nightmare 2" was also on sale. The sales of switch version and PS4 version were 24000 and 11000 respectively, ranking third and seventh in the sales list. &Japan's game sales ranking from February 8, 2021 to February 14, 2021: 251800 copies of Super Mario 3D world + rage world

标签: 游戏