新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双人合作益智游戏《关键奇异鸟》将于今夏登陆PS4、PS5及Switch


The two person puzzle game "key strange birds" will be launched in PS4, ps5 and switch this summer

2021-02-19 09:48:04来源: 游戏时光

香港发行商 GSE 宣布,双人合作解谜益智新作《关键奇异鸟》将于 2021 年夏季登陆 PS5/PS4/NS 平台,同时官方还放出了一段简短的宣传 PV。视频地址在本作中,玩家将扮演两只在邮局里工作的小奇异鸟——“杰夫”(Jeff)和“黛布拉”(Debra),通过在按钮上蹦跳来打电报文、利用鸟喙来搬运信件及利用屁股把标签贴到包裹或信件上,克服各种恶劣的环境及极端天气条件,将信件和包裹准时送达到客人的手上。 《关键奇异鸟》 由 Stonewheat & Sons 开发,Game Source Entertainment 负责亚洲地区及日本发行,支持双人本地合作以及在线合作。另外,本作支持简体及繁体中文。目前游戏官网以及Steam 商店页面已经上线,感兴趣的玩家可以点击查看。

GSE, a Hong Kong publisher, announced that the new puzzle puzzle solving work "key strange birds" will be launched on the ps5 / PS4 / NS platform in the summer of 2021. Meanwhile, the government also released a brief publicity PV. Video address in this work, players will play two little strange birds - "Jeff" and "Debra" who work in the post office. By jumping on the button to type telegrams, using beaks to carry letters and using buttocks to stick labels on packages or letters, players can overcome all kinds of bad environment and extreme weather conditions and deliver letters and parcels to customers on time In human hands. Key strange birds

标签: 游戏 Switch PS4 PS