新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《烟火》开发商新作将依旧是本土题材,侧重悬疑惊悚


"Fireworks" developers will continue to be a new local theme, focusing on suspense thriller

2021-02-19 11:58:20来源: 游戏时光

恐怖解谜游戏《烟火》开发者“月光蟑螂MR”在个人微博聊了聊《烟火》的后续工作和新项目情况,表示目前新作已经在筹划中,依旧会是本土题材,将侧重悬疑惊悚:新作还是本土题材,时代背景上并非和《烟火》完全割裂;会尝试新的画风,但还是2D游戏,工作室暂时没有开发 3D 游戏的能力;新作不会主打恐怖(其实不少小伙伴觉得《烟火》也不咋恐怖),更侧重悬疑惊悚;《烟火》第四章使用了多角色叙事,不过流于表面,新作将会尝试完全意义的多角色叙事,这对我们来说是巨大的挑战,不过我们也愿意去挑战这个难题;在叙事上,也会进一步追求电影化叙事的表现手法。此外,《烟火》暂时不会推出续作和 DLC,近期的精力主要会放在 BUG 修复和本地化语言工作上。月光蟑螂 MR 表示工作室会继续“寻找本土题材中更有趣、神秘的内容,去探索更丰富多元的叙事技巧”

"Moonlight cockroach Mr", the developer of the horror puzzle game "fireworks", chatted about the follow-up work and new projects of "fireworks" on his personal microblog. He said that the new work is in the process of planning, and will still focus on local themes, focusing on suspense and horror: the new work is still local themes, and it is not completely separated from "fireworks" in the background of the times; he will try new painting styles, but it is still a 2D game, and his work is still difficult There is no 3D development for the lab at the moment The ability of the game; the new work won't focus on horror (in fact, many kids think "fireworks" is not so terrible), but more emphasis on suspense and horror; the fourth chapter of "fireworks" uses multi role narrative, but on the surface, the new work will try the full meaning of multi role narrative, which is a huge challenge for us, but we are willing to challenge this problem; in the narrative, the new work will try the full meaning of multi role narrative, Also will further pursue the film narrative technique of expression. In addition, "fireworks" will not launch sequels and DLC for the time being. In the near future, we will focus on bug repair and localization. Moonlight cockroach Mr said that the studio will continue to "seek more interesting and mysterious content in local themes, and explore more diversified narrative techniques."