新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌放弃投资第一方工作室前几天,高管还庆祝团队获得重大进展


A few days before Google gave up investing in the first party studio, executives also celebrated the team's significant progress

2021-02-18 15:07:50来源: 游戏时光

谷歌前段时间宣布将不再投资自家第一方游戏工作室,云游戏服务 Stadia 继续保持现状运营。从外媒昨日爆料内容来看,这项决策对于工作室员工似乎颇为突然。 就在该决策公布的前一个星期,谷歌 Stadia 部门副总裁兼总经理菲尔·哈里森还向第一方工作室全体员工发送邮件,祝贺团队当前的项目取得了重大进展。 “(Stadia 游戏和娱乐部门,SG&E)在打造一个差异化的天才团队和开发一系列强劲的 Stadia 独占游戏上取得了很大进展。我们会很快确认 SG&E 投资信,这会告知 SG&E 的战略和 2021 年的目标和主要成果。” 结果

&Google announced a while ago that it will no longer invest in its first party game studio, and cloud game service stadia will continue to operate as it is. Judging from the contents of the foreign media yesterday, this decision seems quite sudden for the studio staff. &Just a week before the announcement of the decision, Phil Harrison, vice president and general manager of Google stadia, sent an email to all staff of the first party studio congratulating the team on the significant progress of its current project. &"Stadia games and entertainment division, SG & amp; E has made great progress in building a differentiated talent team and developing a series of strong stadia exclusive games. We will soon confirm SG & amp; e's investment letter, which will inform SG & amp; e's strategy and 2021 goals and key results. " &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; results

标签: 谷歌